
When  travel,  take a lot of pictures. When you take a picture and look at it later, sometimes you wonder where it was taken. I made it for use at that time.

Since it was created for the purpose of checking the photo location information recorded in the jpg photo with Google Maps, it includes only functions such as specifying the jpg photo file folder, viewing the jpg picture, checking the location, and erasing the photo location information for privacy protection.

※ This program has been tested under the Chrome browser.

※ This program can be used freely by individuals.



v1.9.1 for portable (2023/7/7)

Added some functions and created a thumbnail file so that the photo file can be read quickly from the second time
Include sample pictures for better understanding



password  1234


※ To learn how to..., run the app for the first time after downloading and press the R key to select the sample photo folder.



quick tips


When reading jpg photos, if there is a green column around the photo, it is a photo with GPS information.

Pressing ENTER etc. will display the location on Google Maps in your default browser.


On the normal screen (on the screen with multiple photos)

R -
 read picture from folder with jpg picture files
W, A, S, D or Arrow -
 Move cursor to select picture
Pgup, PgDn or mouse wheel -
 page by page when there are many pictures
E re-read the folder where the jpg picture file was read
SPACE, keypad Ins key, double click 
enlarge picture and go back
ENTER , F key, middle mouse button 
Check the location where the photo was taken on Google Maps

Number lock (.) Del key -
 Delete GPS information
CTRL+Z Restore deleted GPS information

CTRL+C - Copy jpg photo file to clipboard


On the jpg picture view screen

A, D or arrows < > - flip photos left and right
ENTER , F key, middle mouse button - Check the location where the photo was taken on Google Maps

Saving location information to JPG photos on a smartphone



how to save location to phone picture

GPS must be turned on to include GPS information in JPG photos.




how to save location to phone picture

The photo must be taken with location saving turned on on your phone or camera with GPS support.


Since GPS receives signals from satellites, information may not be accurate depending on the environment.


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